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Conversion ruleQuick conversion Examples

Kcal/h to hp metric convert

Convert kilocalories per hour to metric horsepower

Kilocalories per hour ()
(hp metric)
Metric horsepower to kilocalories per hour Kilocalories per hour to metric horsepower

Conversion rule

How to convert kilocalories per hour to metric horsepower?

1 Kcal/h = 0.001580163 hp metric

1 kilocalorie per hour is equal with 0.001580163 metric horsepower
1 Kcal/h is equal with 0.001580163 hp metric

1 metric horsepower is equal with 1 divided by 0.001580163 kilocalories per hour
1 hp metric = 1 / 0.001580163 Kcal/h
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Formula Kcal/h -> hp metric

hp metric =





How many kilocalories per hour has 1 metric horsepower?

1 kilocalorie per hour has 0.0015801630434788 metric horsepower.
  • 1 kilocalorie per hour Kcal/h = 0.0015801630434788 metric horsepower hp metric (1*0.0015801630434788)

2 kilocalories per hour has ______ how many metric horsepower?

2 kilocalories per hour has 0.0031603260869576 metric horsepower?
  • 2 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.0031603260869576 metric horsepower hp metric (2*0.0015801630434788)

Convert 5 kilocalories per hour to metric horsepower

5 kilocalories per hour is equal with 0.007900815217394 metric horsepower
  • 5 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.007900815217394 metric horsepower hp metric (5*0.0015801630434788)

Quick conversion Kcal/h to hp metric

  • 1 kilocalorie per hour Kcal/h = 0.0015801630434788 metric horsepower hp metric (1*0.0015801630434788)
  • 10 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.015801630434788 metric horsepower hp metric (10*0.0015801630434788)
  • 20 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.031603260869576 metric horsepower hp metric (20*0.0015801630434788)
  • 30 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.047404891304364 metric horsepower hp metric (30*0.0015801630434788)
  • 40 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.063206521739152 metric horsepower hp metric (40*0.0015801630434788)
  • 50 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.07900815217394 metric horsepower hp metric (50*0.0015801630434788)
  • 100 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.15801630434788 metric horsepower hp metric (100*0.0015801630434788)
  • 200 kilocalories per hour Kcal/h = 0.31603260869576 metric horsepower hp metric (200*0.0015801630434788)
conversion table